Thursday, March 3, 2011

Course set!

Few days ago we gathered with guys to discuss (once again) whom we will reenact. But this time I was prepared, he he he, after studying several sites and books, I have gathered quite a good amount of information, that we should reenact Livonian Order, a branch of Teutonic order here in Livonia (Latvia + Estonia). After presenting those materials decision was made and we finally came to agreement that we will reenact, study and develop a Livonian Orders komtury of Riga, taking period from year 1237 to 1250. So in general, we accepted 1st of March as official date of birth of our Livonian Order's komtury of Riga!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

History and us

Finding information about Teutonic Order wasn’t very difficult. There is plenty web resources considering that theme, yet most of them were modern drawings, which had little in common with real history. Actually this overwhelm of information made it difficult to find something really authentic. We began our study from these three documents: Livonian Rhymed Chronicle, Livonian chronicle by Henry of Livonia (Henry Latvian) and Livonian chronicle by Hermann von Wartberge.

There are elder Livonian Rhymed Chronicle and later version of it. Elder Livonian Rhymed Chronicle consists 12017 verses and exists in two originals: One in Riga, second in Gelderberg. In Riga’s chronicle some pages are destroyed from verses 2561 – 3840, but Gelderbegs chronicle is complete.

These I recommend to study for everyone who is interested in that area. We had translations, so it is possible some information is incorrect and to add is that dates of same events in those chronicles are different from each other. There is another source - Chronicle of Balthasar Russow. It describes late period of Livonian Order.

We managed to find translated Orders charter. It contained a lot of useful information, based on which we created our civil cloth. For example, it was stated that brother can’t use any shoes that have outsets or any accessories. There are also very strict rules about praying and how and when brother can speak with the woman, who were taking care of wounded and maintaining household. After spending some time analyzing organization and structure of the Order (I will come back to it in details later), we created our own hierarchy and ranks, based on our research and available manpower. We decided to make a komturia attached to our city, Riga. I failed to find any information of such kumturia to be existed, within the Order, so in general that fact is a fiction from our side. Yet Livonian order did have named komturia. So here we came to a question which Order we will continue to reenact. This question is still undergoing many discussions and we don’t have clear answer to it yet.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Beginning

Idea to begin reenactment of Teutonic Order appeared at medieval festival in Trakai, Lithuania, year 2009. By that time we were reenacting free knights, without any strict goal or purpose. During the chat with other knight at the evening, I was convinced to begin more specified work, research in history - Teutonic Order in Riga. I owe this one to my old good friend from Templar - Olbard.

Historically, there was a Livonian Order here in Latvia, Riga. they were as independent branch of Teutonic order, thus they bore their crosses and colors.

Originally there were only two of our club who got interested in reenacting Teutonic Order: Me and nephew Nikolai. It wasn't very hard to get information about the Order in here, but later we faces more difficulties as two authentic sources we were using were in conflict one with other. (Livonian Chronicles) Lot of question arose, some are not answered still. Second problem was the civil equipment of Orders Knights, Halfbruders and sergeants. This research is still in progress, thou we did manage to find a lot of information about dress, accessories and footwear.

Third problem was short supplies of natural wood white cloth for cloaks and coat-of-arms. yet we managed to get some cloth, it was enough for two brothers only. our luck that halfbruder wore gray cloth.

Overcoming those problems as true Germans, we are set to represent Teutonic Order in best of it's light!

Joining us means several thins for you:
- discipline
- study of Orders and 13th century history
- dedication
- Faith
- Honor!